Pre-Dating Speed Dating    FAQs

In 2024 speed dating is so popular, and people are ditching apps and dating sites for in-person singles events. But is it for you? Speed dating is all about meeting new people efficiently in a relaxed and friendly environment. If you're single, and open to meeting someone for a relationship, speed dating is the best way to make that happen by giving you the opportunity to meet many prospective romantic matches very quickly.

Is speed dating a thing anymore?

Yes! It's bigger than ever. 2024 is seeing a 60% rise in speed dating events, as people ditch apps and dating websites for in-person events.


Who Goes To Pre-Dating Events?

The majority are busy professional-level, successful people who value their time. Most of our Attendees have everything they need in life except for the one special person to share it with. They're like you - interested in finding someone compatible, in a safe, comfortable, efficient and civilized way. If you're wondering if attractive, intelligent people go to dating events, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the high quality of people who attend. Our events help you meet many new people in a short time and in a fun, no pressure way.


Why is speed dating better than online or apps?

Billions and billions of dollars have been spent trying to replicate what speed dating offers: meeting people face-to-face for a real in-person human interaction. They can't replicate it. It's just how humans are wired. We want to see, hear, and be in the presence of a potential partner to make a decision about them. It's called CHEMISTRY and it's based on thousands of things including pheromones, sounds, sights, and other non-verbal aspects that can not be communicated online. This is why speed dating has such a better success rate than online and apps, and it always will.

Technology has made dating harder and it's only getting worse. It was bad enough with the cheaters, romance scammers, and Photoshopped pix, but now A.I. can write the profile and the messages - so you really don't know who you're dealing with! Apps and sites don't remove old profiles, so up to 40% of people on there say they're no longer single, and about 20% are just looking for an easy hookup - regardless of whether they're married.

On average you have to study 100 profiles to find a match. We don't like those odds.

Then you need to meet, without being ghosted, bread-crumbed, or whatever other games they play. If the date happens, you will invest time and/or money, on what may be one of those first dates where you realize immediately there's no chemistry and have to sit politely waiting for it to end. Who has time for that?

At Pre-Dating Speed Dating events, out of 10 potential partners we present, people match with on average 2-3 of them. Most people tell us how much they enjoyed the event, even if they don't 'make a match' but more than two-thirds of Pre-Daters match with at least one person.

Imagine the time, money, and effort required to set yourself up on 10-12 first dates!


How did Speed Dating start?

Though Pre-Dating was founded in 2001, we're not the first. Speed dating was originally created by a Los Angeles Rabbi and Harvard graduate named Yaacov Deyo, to help marriage-minded Jewish singles meet as efficiently and quickly as possible, to find a spouse. The first speed dating event happened in 1998 in Beverly Hills and included a gragger, the noisemaker Jews use during Purim, to signal when it was time for the single men and women to switch partners. Since then, the concept has spread throughout the US and has been featured in countless tv shows and movies. Pre-Dating alone has Hosted +38,000 events! Rabbi Deyo is pleased about the success of speed dating, and the happiness it's brought so many people, by helping them find love. As he explains, “in Judaism, there’s a concept of zechus — the merit that is created by a good action... to see your actions unfold in a good way makes for a happier existence,” Deyo says. “And I’m a happy guy.”

Pre-Dating Speed Dating considers it an honor to continue this tradition, and hope we can help you on your path finding love.


Why is Pre-Dating the best for Speed Dating?

Not all speed dating companies are created equal. Over 90% of speed dating companies ever started are no longer in business. We've watched them come and go, since we started in 2001 and there's a reason for our longevity. There's a lot of detail and effort that goes into holding QUALITY speed dating events on a consistent basis. Don't gamble your time and money as someone 'works out the kinks' or misleads you with questionable practices. Choose a company that has been around, has an A+ Better Business Bureau Rating, and has proven they put on successful events with good results. Pre-Dating is the oldest and largest speed dating company in the world, with events in over 50 cities. Thousands of single professionals attend our events each month, and we have Hosted over 60,000 participants. Our goal is to hold the events we schedule and take the care to ensure they are successful. We have an ethical standard that is unmatched in the industry, and always act with our customer's best interest at heart. But most importantly, our events work! Literally thousands of people have found love at our events, and we want to make you our next success story. As one of our Customers said, “Pre-Dating is a stress-free and wonderful way to meet people. I would recommend it to anyone.”


Will it be equal men/women?

Not every event is perfect, because some people unfortunately buy a ticket and don't show up. But we work hard to have the ideal number of people at each event and to balance the genders. Ensuring a good turnout and an equal number of men and women is critical to success. The large size of our company allows us to call on our vast customer lists to keep most events even, giving you the best experience possible. Beware of companies that take people at the door, they are just hoping enough people, and the right number of men/women show up to hold the event. Why take that chance with your valuable time and money?


How many will be there?

You'll generally meet 8 to 12 (and sometimes as many at 14) women or men at our events. It is rare, but if you attend an event and don't meet 5 people of the opposite gender, we'll give you a credit to attend a future event for free.


I am not in the recommended age group, can I attend?

We want Attendees to be comfortable with the age group they're "dating." A few years over or under is fine, but please choose a Pre-Dating event that generally fits your age range.


What do I talk about?

Anything you want! We have icebreaker questions if you get stuck, but people talk about hobbies, how they spend time off, or the area of town they live in. Or thoughtful questions like "When is the last time you lied to someone" or "who would you want in your lifeboat?" Asking who their celebrity crush is can tell you what they like physically. Relax and try not to be too serious, just have fun. Try to avoid mundane questions like "what do you do" as this can be repetitive. Consider not talking about an ex, or only about yourself. Differentiate yourself in a positive way. And if you are sitting across from someone you're not attracted to, remember they still have a story to tell.


How should I dress for the event?

It's your call, but nice casual always works. Maybe a little sexy but not over the top. Many people come directly from work so business casual is common. Be comfortable, look good, and smile!


Do I need to bring anything?

If you have paid for your ticket and gotten an email confirmation you are all set. Your paid registration puts you on the guest list. You do not need an e-ticket or anything else. If you wish to confirm, CONTACT US


How do I know who picked me?

At the Pre-Dating event you'll get a Match Sheet to select who you want to hear from again. Make a quick note to help you remember each person, and after the event, take a picture of it with your phone and hand it in to the Host. You'll be emailed and/or texted within 24-48 hours. If you don't get an email within two days please contact us. EVERY Attendee is sent a Match Email even if they have zero matches.


What are the disadvantages of speed dating?

If you have great struggles meeting and connecting with people in general you'll bring your challenges with you to speed dating. People with social anxiety can find it difficult to talk to so many people, while extroverted people find it fun. If you're good at meeting people but just haven't met the right person, it will be much easier. But by introducing you to up to 12 potential matches in one night, all of which are local, the right age, single, looking, and giving you their undivided attention, you have the best opportunity possible of making a match. You're odds are incredibly improved, and you may just meet the love of your life. Six minutes may not be enough time to fully get to know someone, but it is enough time to figure out if you want to talk more - and it's much more effective than online or apps.


I'm separated, can I attend?

No. You must be either never married, divorced, or widowed. If you choose to register for an event you affirm that you are legally single and available and not otherwise “attached”. If you are separated, in an open relationship, or otherwise, you are NOT suitable to attend the event, please join us when you are fully, and legally single. No refunds or credits will be given after the event if you misrepresent yourself as single.


Will I be photographed?

Press/media and Cameras may be at the event. Attendees may be photographed, filmed or recorded and will receive no compensation. Images become the property of Pre-Dating to be used at our discretion. We will use our best efforts to communicate and ensure that those Participants who do not wish to be on film are not photographed, although we make no guarantees whether Attendees are photographed.


Solicitation & Other Singles Hosts Expressly Forbidden

Non-Solicitation: Attendees are NOT permitted to solicit, advertise or market any products or services whatever, free or paid, to any participant of any Pre-Dating event during an event, or afterwards. Doing so will subject the Attendee to Sponsorship Fees billed to their original payment method. Individuals that work for or run their own singles-related endeavors: including event hosts, matchmaking, coaching, authors, meetup groups, or any other products or services, free or paid, are expressly forbidden from attending our events.

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How Speed Dating Works
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