Waterloo Restaurant

Speed Dating in Akron, Ohio 44319

Akron attendees of speed dating in Ohio enjoying the event!

Waterloo Restaurant A Pre-Dating Speed Dating Ohio Venue

At this time this is Waterloo restaurant is located 2 minutes from Waterville exit 77 North and South.

Free parking

Waterloo Restaurant
423 E. Waterloo Rd
Akron, OH 44319

Waterloo Restaurant in AkronSpeed Dating Events

Single Events At Waterloo Restaurant

Singles Age 30-49
Akron Speed Dating Event for Singles Age 30-49 by Pre-Dating Ohio

  Thursday July 24, 2025      7:00 PM    

  Waterloo Restaurant
   423 E. Waterloo Rd
   Akron, OH 44319

Speed Dating Event in Akron, Ohio ♥ Singles from the Akron area brWe'll be at Waterloo Restaurant for our singles event where you'll meet other singles and make new connections and maybe something more Once you try our in-person Speed Dating you'll never go back to the ineffectiveness of online dating or apps. Ohio Speed Dating is the only way to meet 5-12 local potential partners in under 2 hours. Imagine the time money and effort you'd spend on 12 dates This is much better than online apps or random meetings it's the modern and efficient way to meet professional-level people. Join us ♥

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Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Since 2001. The preeminent singles event company: the oldest, largest, and best singles event company in the USA. Our company has a commitment to excellence and operates with an ethical standard unmatched in the industry. Our Mission is to use our 20+ years of expertise in creating the best event experiences to help singles on their path, seeking relationships. Delivered with excellence, warmth, and friendliness.