“What to Do When You’re an Emotional Wreck” with Relationship Coach/Author Roy Biancalana

WHEN: Monday, June 22nd, 2020 from 8:30 PM to 9:45 PM (ET)
SPEAKERS: Guest Speaker Roy Biancalana
WHO’S INVITED: This Teleseminar is Open to EVERYONE
HOW MUCH: Complimentary!
HOW TO RSVP: http://predatingteleseminar.eventbrite.com
“What to Do When You’re an Emotional Wreck”
with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana
If you are not an emotional wreck right now, you must be some kind of saint. The last few months have been insane and scary, and most of us are a mess. Whether it’s the pandemic, or the lack of an intimate partner or some other type of problem, we could really use some help with all the emotions we’re feeling these days.
It’s for this reason that we have invited Pre-Dating’s official relationship coach, Roy Biancalana, to offer some wisdom on what to do when you’re an emotional wreck. Don’t miss this important discussion where you will learn:
- 3 steps to transforming emotional turbulence into emotional tranquility
- The real reason we’re an emotional wreck (Hint: it’s not what you think)
- The “secret sauce” on how to let go of loneliness, anxiety and worry
- The most effective emotional releasing technique no one talks about
- And access to all kinds of other “goodies”
All attendees will receive:
- One free 30 Minute Exploratory Coaching Session
- Special discounts from on Roy’s many programs
- And More!
Roy Biancalana: is known as “The Intimacy Guru,” and is a nationally recognized leader in the field of attraction, intimacy and conscious relationships. He appears regularly on Fox35 TV in Orlando, FL as their relationship expert and is the author of the book, “A Drink with Legs” sold worldwide.
Roy is a certified relationship coach, spiritual teacher and was a PGA Tour player. His passion is working with men and women who are committed to awakening to their true spiritual nature and experiencing the love life they most desire. He specializes in supporting single people in attracting the love of their lives and also helping those who are in committed partnerships experience a deeper level of intimacy. He has clients all over the world and coaches by phone, Skype or in person.
Since 2001, Pre-Dating has been holding fun, exciting Speed Dating events for Busy Single Professionals. Pre-Dating currently holds events monthly in over 70 US Cities and continues to expand (visit www.Pre-Dating.com for Event Coordinator opportunities, more information about our events or to Register for an event near you.)
“ LETTING GO OF THE PAST: How to Open Your Heart to a New Relationship After You’ve Been Hurt.” with Relationship Coach/Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: |
“Know your Relationship Non-Negotiables: The Key to Lasting Love” with Certified Relationship Coach, Amie Leadingham Teleseminar Replay Link: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/107982219 |
“The Chemistry Question: How to Build a Passionate,Lasting Connection” with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/107168511 |
“The Post Valentine’s Day Blues” Turning a Disappointing Valentine’s Day Into a Blessing In Disguise with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/105459006 |
“Relationship Resolutions!” 3 Resolutions that Can Allow You to Attract Lasting Love by Valentine’s Day with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=104361924 |
“Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=103512873 |
“The Compatibility Question: Insights on the challenge of finding your ideal partner” with Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: https://iTeleseminar.com/101793981 |
“The Trustable Man” Created for MEN with Roy Biancalana by Pre-Dating Speed Dating Teleseminar Replay Link: https://iTeleseminar.com/101104572 |
“The Radiant Woman “ Created for WOMEN with Roy Biancalana by Pre-Dating Speed Dating Teleseminar Replay Link: https://iTeleseminar.com/101105139 |
“The 5 Must Know Principles that Fix a Broken Dating Picker” with Aime Leadingham Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=100203105 |
“Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=99426189 |
“How ​T​o Make This Your Summer For Love!” with Guest Speakers Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman. Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=97308318 |
“The Sexually Smart Single” with Roy Biancalana. Teleseminar Replay Link: https://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=96425688 |
“Finding Love Online: How to Create an Online Presence That Attracts Lasting Love” with Roy Biancalana. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=95327031 |
“How To Stop Attracting The Same People, Patterns and Pain Over and Over Again” with Roy Biancalana. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=93994329 |
“New Year, New Love! How to Find Real, Committed Love. Now is Your Time” with MatchMaker and Author, Dr Nancy H. Wall Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.iteleseminar.com/?eventID=93115101 |
“Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=92212437 |
Event: “4 Secrets To Become a Magnet for Deeply Satisfying and Co-Creative Love” with Sarah Rose. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=90999624 |
Event: “Fast, Deep & Sexy: Where to go, how to approach and what to say to the opposite sex” with Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=89816043 |
Event: “How to Use Law of Attraction to Find Love Within 30 Days” with Lisa Concepcion Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=88588110 |
Event: “Raising Your Dating IQ” Practical Wisdom on Chemistry, Compatibility & Communicating with the Opposite Sex.” with Roy Biancalana, Relationship Coach and Author Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=87340584 |
Event: “How to Turn a First Date Into a Second Date With Someone You Like” with Relationship Coaches and Authors, Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=86516040 |
Event: Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=85328679 |
Event:Stop Sabotaging your Relationship – Tough Love Reasons why you are Still Single! with Guest Speaker Dr. Nancy H. Wall Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=83871363 |
Event:”‘NEW BEGINNINGS’ Where to go, how to approach and what to say to attract a new partner into your life.” SPEAKER: Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=82765902 |
Event:”Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” SPEAKERS: Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=81242184 |
Event:”The Pursuit of Intimacy” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., with Guest Speaker Roy Biancalana, Relationship Coach and Author. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=80270157 |
Event:”What’s Keeping You Single? Starting the New Year As a Smarter New You!” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., with Guest Speakers Certified Relationship Coaches and authors Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=78941361 |
Event:”Hints, Tricks and Tips for Creating Your Online Dating Profile!” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., with Guest Speaker Dr. Nancy H. Wall. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=77703600 |
Event:”The Art of Flirting: Creating Attraction and Connection through Playfulness and Polarity” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., with Relationship Coach & Author, Roy Biancalana FREE Pre-Dating Teleseminar. Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=76386207 |
Event:”Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: http://Events.AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=75323019 |
Event:”3 Golden Keys to Free Yourself From Any Fears” SPEAKER: Free Dating Tele-Seminar from Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Inc., Sally Stubbs, Psychotherapist, and Relationship Expert Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=71543775 |
Event:”The Secret To Creating Instant Chemistry” SPEAKER: Samantha Jayne- Relationship Expert, Matchmaker, Author, and founder of Australia’s most exclusive dating agency Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=71541381 |
Event:”You Got the Date, Now What? 5 Tips To Have The Date of Your Dreams!” SPEAKER: Dr. Lydia Belton, Ph.D.,Ct,.H.A- Radio Personality, and Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=70252968 |
Event:”Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” SPEAKER: with Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: http://events.attendthisevent.com/?eventid=69081042 |
Event:”How to Not Let Your Relationship Past Poison Your Dating Future” SPEAKER: with Relationship Coach and Author, Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://Events.AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=67777887 |
Event:”How to Use a Business Strategy to Achieve Optimal Dating Results” SPEAKER: with MatchMaker and Author, Dr Nancy H. Wall Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=66387477 |
Event:”4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Love Life and Keeping Your Self Single” SPEAKER: with Relationship Coach and Author, Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=64931295 |
Event: “Get the January Jumpstart: Why Now is the Best Time of Year to Meet Someone Great!” SPEAKERS: with Relationship Coaches and Authors, Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=63588513 |
Event: “Are you Cuffing? Now is the time! Learn how and why, if you dare” SPEAKER: with MatchMaker and Author, Dr Nancy H. Wall Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=62759496 |
Event: “Deciphering Dating Dilemmas” SPEAKER: with Relationship Coach and Author, Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=61145751 |
Event: “11 Damaging Lies Single People Tell Themselves” SPEAKERS: with Relationship Coaches, and Authors, Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=57584802 |
Event: “Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A” SPEAKERS: Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating Speed Dating C.O.O. and Relationship Coach, Michael Clarke Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=57585054 |
Event: “Strategies for Finding Your Ideal Partner: Where to Go, How to Approach and What to say to the Opposite Sex” SPEAKER: Relationship Coach, and Author Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=57581652 |
Event: “Frustrated with Dating? Develop a Simple Action Plan!” SPEAKER: Jo Ann Simmons Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=51649194 |
Event: “Dating in the Digital Age: 6 Smart Strategies to Succeed in the Dating Scene” SPEAKER: Roy Biancalana, Author, TV Personality and Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=50514060 |
Event: “Dating in the Digital Age: 6 Smart Strategies to Succeed in the Dating Scene” SPEAKERS: Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=49148031 |
Event: “How to Find the Love of Your Life Online!” with Relationship Coach and TV Personality, Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=48113445 |
Event: “Dating Without the Drama: How to Avoid Losers, Manipulators and Game-Players” If you’re ready to have more fun, transform your love life and unlock the secrets to successful, disaster-free dating, this program is for you. SPEAKERS: Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=46885134 |
Event: “How to be Irresistible to the Opposite Sex “ SPEAKER: Roy Biancalana, Author, TV Personality and Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=46026696 |
Event: “Are You A Good Catch? The Surprising Answers That Will Help You Find The ‘Right One’ “ SPEAKER: Relationship Expert Charles Johnson Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=44812119 |
Event: “How to Awaken Your Inner Soulmate: 5 Secrets to Attract the Love of Your Life” SPEAKER: Author and Relationship Coach, Debi Berndt Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=43513122 |
Event: “Attracting Lasting Love: 5 Simple Steps (that work!) to Find your Life Partner” SPEAKER: Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=42482505 |
Event: “The Laws of Modern Day Attraction: 5 Steps to Reeling in The RIGHT One in Today’s Dating Pool” SPEAKER: Carmelia Ray Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=41473119 |
Event: “5 Ways to Know They Are Just THAT into you” SPEAKER: Lydia Belton Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=39824094 |
Event: “If I’m Such a Great Catch, How Come I’m Still Single?” SPEAKERS: Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=38297163 |
Event: “Ten Rules to Survive The Dating Jungle- Fool Proof Methods to Find Mr. or Mrs. Right” SPEAKER: Tara Richter, Author and Life Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventID=36985692 |
Event: “20 Red Flags to Avoid When Dating” SPEAKER: Charles Johnson, Author, Life Coach and Public Speaker Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=36042834 |
Event: “50 Questions Before You Say ‘I DO’ and 5 “Key” Questions Everyone Should Ask on the First Date” SPEAKER: Joshua Fredenburg, Author and Public Speaker Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=35367663 |
Event: “Quick Glance, Eye Contact, Now What? To Approach or Not to Approach (and how to approach)….That is the REAL Question!” SPEAKER: Dr. Nancy H. Wall, Certified Life Coach and MatchMaker Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=34237254 |
Event: “What To Say – And Not Say – When You Start Dating … Plus Essential Questions To Ask Before Getting Involved!” SPEAKERS: Rosalind Sedacca and Amy Sherman Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=32511495 |
Event: “Bodytrading; Transforming Back From Player to Lover” SPEAKER: Bruce Starr Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=32511495For more information on Bruce Starr, Contact him by writing to luvcoach@aol.com |
Event: “Navigating in Today’s NEW World of Dating“ A Conscious Approach to Internet Dating, Mobile Dating, Speed Dating and the First Dates they Create SPEAKER: Roy Biancalana Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=31236438 For more information on Roy Biancalana, visit his website: www.CoachingWithRoy.com |
Event: “The ‘EX-FACTOR'” How and If You Should Maintain a Friendship With an Ex While In a Relationship With Someone Else PANEL OF RELATIONSHIP EXPERTS: Roy Biancalana, Julie Ferman, and Dr. Nancy H. Wall Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=29632080For more information on Roy Biancalana, visit his website: www.CoachingWithRoy.comFor more information on Dr. Nancy Wall, visit her website: www.TampaBayMatchMakers.com |
Event: “Creating Attraction” 5 Must Know Steps to “Create” Love and End Your Attempts Of “Finding” Love “ Speaker: Adam Gilad, Author, Speaker and Producer Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=28221321For more information, visit her website: www.DeepOnlineAttraction.com for men, and www.TheRightManOnline.com |
Event: “Is Your “GPS” (Girl or Guy Picking System) Broken?” How to Avoid Dead Ends and Map Your Way to Relationship Success With a Working G.P.S. Speaker: Dawn Maslar, Author, Speaker and Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=28205886For more information, visit her website: www.dawnmaslar.com and www.learnhowtofindlove.com |
Event: “Getting Ready for Something Real” 5 Strategies Guaranteed to Produce an Amazing Relationship Speaker: Roy Biancalana, Author and Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=24682863For more information, visit his website: www.CoachingWithRoy.com and access over 20 of Roy’s articles |
Event: “State of the Date” Why Some People Shine and Others Fizzle Out on the Dating Scene Speaker: Jerusha Stewart, Dating Maven and Author Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=22505457For Jerusha’s mini-book visit: http://www.DateMoreAfter40.com |
Event: “Dating Approaches”: How to Qualify Relationship Prospects to Avoid Wasting Time and Get What You Want Speaker: George Dubec, National Relationship Expert and Author Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=21137097 For George’s FREE Personal Introduction Handbook for Singles: Email: Teleseminar@predating.com |
Event: “Dating Rescue”: How to Avoid the Most Significant Dating Mistakes” Speakers: Rosalind Sedacca, CCT and Amy Sherman, LMHC, Dating Coaches/Relationship Therapists and Co-Authors Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=20241930 Rosalind and Amy’s e-Course: http://www.womendatingafter40.com/dr.html |
Event: “Being Alone Sucks”: How to Transform Yourself for Dating Success” Speaker: Adam LoDolce, Author, Dating Coach and Motivational Speaker Teleseminar Replay Link: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=19357599 Adam’s e-book (Complimentary): http://www.ultimatesocialfreedom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Social-Freedom-ebook.pdf |
Event: “How to Raise your Dating IQ” Speaker: Michelle Conboy, Relationship Coach Teleseminar Replay Link: http://AttendThisEvent.com/?eventid=18361002To Get Michelle’s Report (No Cost) – 5 secrets to have the love you want: http://relationshipcafe.net and in upper right tells you how to get the report. |