Pre-Dating featured on CBS Sacramento: Tinder Vs. Talking – Singles Try Speed Dating In Age Of Online Dating

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Dozens of singles are slowing down their search for a love connection by speeding things up. In the age of online searches and swipes, speed dating is trying to make a comeback.
Nervous laughter filled the room in a Sacramento hot spot as singles looked to warm up their winter with a little fast-paced face-to-face interaction. The goal: meet up to 12 people in less than two hours at the Speed Dating event by Sacramento company Pre-Dating.
Speed dating in 2019 is far away from the tapping keys of any keyboard or the swipe on a smartphone. These men and women were looking to connect the old fashioned way.
Amanda Garcia drove from Fairfield to give it a go.
“This is my first time and I’m really excited,” Garcia said.
Eligible men are excited too. Mo Shawki said he’s tired of those dating apps.
“Not as random as online dating… it’s different… it’s the better option,” he said.
Nicole Pineda agrees. She prefers seeing “eye to eye” with her potential match.
“I like it personally because you get the personal interaction and that’s lost over dating apps,” Pineda said. “I appreciate getting to know somebody in person because you pick up on things that you normally would not pick up on over an electronic device.”
There’s very little lost in translation with this approach.
The speed dating coordinator, Carizma Davis, of Pre-Dating Speed Dating, said she helped arrange six connections and three marriages.
It may be way too early for these singles to think about a wedding, but their little old-school sit-downs could be the first step toward a new relationship.